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Mary Stitson - Proprietor
BHS Stage 5 coach and stable manager

Horse Jumping

Mary has over 30 years' experience of teaching horses and riders of all ages and levels.  Over that time she has built CFH up from a moorland farm with one arena and a handful of horses to the successful BHS Approved Training and Assessment Centre it is today.


Her current client portfolio includes children, teenagers and adults ranging from those who simply want to enjoy riding and improve to exam students, those with their own horses and competition riders.


She is equally at home teaching flat work and jumping and has a clear and encouraging style of teaching where every rider feels that they have learned and achieved in their sessions.


She is passionate about horse wellbeing, both in the way the horses as CFH are cared for to how they are ridden during lessons.  She is a firm believer in the Classical approach to horse and rider training.  "Festina Lente" (make haste slowly) is her mantra, along with "less is more".  She seeks to create harmony and understanding between horse and rider so that they can both be the best they can be.


Here is what her clients say:





Mary teaches on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Friday mornings, either with school horses or on your own.  


She also conducts clinics at other yards - bookings now being taken for 2024 and 2025.  

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